
John Stevens - Communications Specialist


The framing of vision, mission and strategic messages as compelling narratives has never been more relevant. John's depth and breadth of skill and understanding add this crucial dimension to the Storied Ground portfolio.

"For me, the greatest satisfaction is seeing our participants engage more and more deeply as they realize that the story they are immersed in holds vital meaning for themselves and for their organization."

John’s story work has been primarily as an editor, coaching and coaxing stories of depth and meaning from the memories of veterans, business and political leaders, survivors and artists.


As well, he consults on the shaping and refining of works of fiction, carrying their authors’ ambitions, dreams and insights into courageous narrative vessels. He has applied his unique expertise to more than one hundred published books.


He is also a communications trainer and coach, applying the empathic practices of Nonviolent Communication to interpersonal communications privately and in organizations, fostering trust, developing presence and releasing the blocked energies of friction, resistance and conflict.


John brings to the Storied Ground team more than ten years experience designing, producing and presenting TeamEverest events - both large and small. His understanding of business issues, sensitivity to narrative and enthusiasm for theatre have informed intensive interactions for single teams of senior executives, and multi-day immersive conference experiences for as many as one thousand participants.


As a principal shareholder of TeamEverest Inc., John has been intensively involved in a major redesign and technical upgrade of the program, partnering with Mark Jenkins, Tim Dixon, Jim Elzinga and many others to make the TeamEverest experience even more powerful and relevant for today's business leaders. John is also a principal in the creation of our new experiential application, PolarLeader, and our revolutionary presentation platform, Townhall Builder.












Personal Statement:

“I have always sought out the edges, the frontiers and interfaces where we are most alive, most creative and most engaged. It’s all a great adventure: hitchhiking through the Khyber Pass as I did as a young man, or standing in support while passionately committed individuals find their way, without compromise, from polarized dispute to inspired accord.”


Storied Ground Team: